A free video mini-training from She Thrives
UPDATE: This free training is no longer available, but if you'd like to learn from me and transform your relationship to your body and your life, STA is my signature proven system to take you there.
For free teachings and content around body and self image, the archives of the Rewilding podcast (formerly She Thrives Radio) has plenty to offer.
Looking to improve your body image and appreciate what you've got? Want to stop caring so much about what people may think of you? Ready to start feeling better in your skin, right now?
LEARN ABOUT STAThis free video training is designed to take you through 4 main lessons and discussions that can radically change your relationship to your body and how you feel in your skin. Each email will be delivered to your inbox every couple of days, with a short video lesson, homework, and extra resources for you to enjoy.
I'm sharing my ah-ha moments in my own journey with body image.
The four biggest mindset shifts that can help you see yourself differently.
A free downloadable guide with the questions, insights, and actions that can help push you beyond your own self limiting boundaries.
Over the course of 10 days you will receive 4 emails that each contain a video lesson, a downloadable guide, homework, and extra reading and support.
Click below to join now:
"This has helped me tremendously already because like many many people, it has something I have struggled with for years and causes me so much stress even day to day. Thank you thank you thank you! "
"Yes!!!! I went for a run in my sports bra after lesson 1! Today I took my shirt off during our hero WOD and finished the workout in a sports bra! If you haven’t signed up for Body Image Bootcamp DO IT! Thank you Taylor!!!"
"I had full body tingles the entire [course]. You're saying things that in my head I try to remind myself every day, but hearing it from you, speaking it to ME, about my difficulties hits me to the core. THANK YOU for making this course."
"Thank you so much for this course! It really helped me dig deep and start my healing process."
"I was so nervous to wear [what I wanted]. After listening to Taylor's Lesson 1, I realized that I was being too hard on myself. Thanks Taylor for creating this program."
" I actually wore shorts to the gym yesterday and I’m wearing them again today! It is in the 90s and of course no air conditioning. No one is going to die if they see a little cellulite. I am 53 years old for heaven sake‘s! Thanks Taylor!"
Copyright She Thrives